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Windows8 WOL Setup

Windows8 and 8.1 PCs will not automatically respond to wake-on-LAN packets.  The new 'fast startup' feature prevents WOL from working.  For Window 8 or 8.1 to work then you should set the PC as follows:

  • Navigate to "Control Panel|Hardware and Sound|Power Options|System Settings" and then disable the 'Turn on fast startup (recommended)' option
  • On the network card configure bitton "Properties|Power Management" uncheck 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'.  The 'Allow this device to wake the computer' will be disabled but don't worry about that
  • On the "Advanced" tab then make the following settings
    • Energy Efficient - disabled
    • Green ethernet - disabled
    • Shutdown Wake on LAN - enabled
    • Wake on magic packet - enabled
    • Wake on pattern match - enabled
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